Maybe I'm stingy... or maybe just frugal?... but one thing I know is that I get really annoyed when I think companies are trying to cheat me out of money just because I have a child. So I guess I try to go out of my way to think of ways of entertaining my daughter that don't cost a bomb. Don't get me wrong... I'm happy to pay for entertainment as a special treat. I'd just rather not make it common practice for her to expect expensive outings as she grows up. Sometimes you may have to think creatively but seriously, we live in Australia. We have an outdoor culture and there are so many things to do. In most streets, let alone suburbs there are parks with playgrounds. Then there are beaches, rivers, creeks, bicycle paths, skateparks, bush walks the list goes on. I guess perhaps, the trouble can come when we experience rainy days and we need indoor activities. Well before you go out and spend $100 + to take your family to the movies because you can't think of anything else to is a tip.
Use what's around you.
Living in Western Sydney can be both a blessing and a curse. There is an abundance of fast food restaurants, shopping centres and hardware Megastores and my family happens to live on a main road opposite a number of the aforementioned stores. Before having my daughter I saw them as more of a curse. Obesity inducing eyesores that proved tempting when tired and hungry after a long day at work... but now as a parent I see them in a new light.
The playgrounds rock! I can walk my daughter across the road and I have instant entertainment at my disposal. Even in the rain!! And the most I will spend is perhaps $3 for a coffee. sweeeet! Then i started thinking more widely.
Shopping centre playgrounds! If you live in western Sydney I recommend Rouse Hill Town Centre. The play areas there are top notch, as are the baby change rooms and I have also discovered that the library has a wide variety of kids books and a lovely reading area.
Thinking about it... you probably know this stuff already. Sorry if you're thinking "duhh" ...but as my daughter is only 10 months old and just started walking these thoughts are new and exciting for me. I guess...Enjoy life with your bubs and don't think you have to spend a fortune for quality time with them. They love you no matter what. Think creatively and Keep it real. Over and out.
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