Monday, 18 May 2015

#15 Shhhh... It's a secret!

One of the things I loved about being pregnant was maternity clothes. To be honest I didn't have to buy many. I borrowed some and just made do with what clothes I already had but the few that I did buy and wear, I thought it seemed to be a very well kept secret that they are the most comfortable clothes you will ever wear.
The roomy tops, stretchy dresses and the pants... Drooooool! 
Maternity pants are the best! The reason is because they have this wonderful waist band sewn into them. To anyone else, you are wearing normal jeans but what people don't know is that the stretchy waistband goes from your hip to almost your neck, in some cases, and it makes them soooooooooo comfortable! No more unsightly underpants showing in the gap between the pants and top. No no no no!! Not a chance! And, No more T bar! Fashion faux pas averted and comfort achieved :)
All this said, and to keep it real today, I'd like to proudly announce that even having given birth 1 year ago, I still wear my maternity jeans. I love them and I'm not giving them up for anyone or anything. Don't be afraid to follow suit! Comfort rules! And no one would be able to tell anyway. 
Oh and btw... That was me yesterday in K-mart looking around the maternity wear section... And, no,  I'm not pregnant again. Just keeping it real! 

Monday, 4 May 2015

#14 Freedom!!

It was my husbands 40th birthday last week and to celebrate I bought him and I tickets to one of his favourite comedian's shows happening in conjunction with the Sydney comedy festival. 

He was really excited about it and so was I. More excited than I have been about something in a long time. But why? Although I like the comedian too, there was something more to it. And then it dawned on me. This was the first proper outing we had been on as a couple for a long time... Sans kid! 
During the night everything seemed so easy... No car seat, no pram, no baby bag, no feeding, no bed time, no crying... No baby... It was utterly weird. 

It's amazing how quickly you adapt to your new life. We had been married 10 years before Jemma came along and never really realised how free we were.

You know what I learnt from this experience? 
Every now and then you need a break with your partner. It sounds logical right? But I didn't realise how long it had been... It's freedom and it makes you love your baby and partner even more.
So guys, my non-expert advice today is " Go out and have a good time without your Bub every now and then." It will feel absolutely strange but It's 100 percent worth it! 
Keep it real :)