Friday, 30 January 2015

#4 Stuff it!

Im not sure what it is about humans, but it seems that we all looove gathering stuff. I wonder if this trait is a primal instinct or something we are conditioned into by those around us? Looking around the room right now, I see a whole lot of stuff, most of which I don't need or use very often. Books, ornaments, toys, the list goes on. Even my daughter doesn't seem to be playing with a lot of the toys as much as she should be...
So this brings me to a question to ponder today. 
Do we need heaps of stuff to raise a baby? 
The TV will tell you that you do, so will the shops... and the Baby Expo you went to last month thinks you need all kinds of paraphernalia. But stop... Take a deep breath and think... Before I have this baby what do I need? NEED? 
Here are some things I remember needing during the first 3 months with my baby.

Nappies ( more than I expected I think I exceeded 250+ newborn nappies)
Baby wipes ( heaps) 
Muslin wraps and bunny rugs ( have a few) 
Onesies ( prob enough for 3 a day) 
A bassinet ( basic) 
A bouncer/ rocker ( basic)
Cloths for Wiping reflux
Milk ( breast or bottle) 

That's not much hey? They pretty much eat, sleep, cry and Poo. 
Try not to get sucked in! Just try to keep it real Peeps! 

Friday, 23 January 2015

#3 Does Sex matter?


 Although my daughter is 9 months old she has fair hair, as my husband and I were both fair as children. That's all good but she also doesn't have much of it and this is where my keep it real parenting stems from today.
   I was in the supermarket a few days ago and my daughter was in the trolley seat. At the check out there was a couple possibly in their late 60's waiting behind us.
Jemma likes looking around at people and it wasn't long before she caught their eye.
" oh isn't he a cutey" they said. I just went along with it but then for some reason it dawned on the lady that she might be a girl. " yeah she's a girl but that's ok" I replied. Well the lady proceeded to get very embarrassed and tried to justify why they thought she was a boy.
   I went in to explain that I really wasn't offended. It was perfectly fine. People do it all the time. Hey... I've even done it.
   Why is gender such an issue even at such an early stage of life? Why do people think it's such an issue if their boy likes playing with dolls or if their girl likes playing with trucks or if they wear pink or blue. I thought we were past this in 2015.
So on the issue of my daughter being called a boy, I know she could pass as a boy because of her short, fair hair but I really don't care because she is a happy, healthy, alert, inquisitive beautiful person. Yes... PERSON! Thats what counts to me! Just trying to keep it real, I guess :)

Monday, 19 January 2015

#2 Go with your gut

    Before my daughter was born I had no idea what the hell I was doing. There was advice coming thick and fast from anyone and everyone and I appreciated that. I hope that I listened politely to everyone and was genuinely interested. But after 9 months of potentially conflicting advice, I came to the conclusion that despite everyone's good intentions, I am the only one who knows my body and the child kicking and moving within it. So I decided to "go with my gut" literally! Ha ha...What is my body telling me today? What will it be telling me during labour? I didn't worry about whether I would breast feed or bottle feed. My body would tell me. I wasn't concerned about how much pain relief I would need during the potentially many hours of labour. My gut would let me know! It somehow liberated me! And it meant that armed with everyone's advice I may or may not use it. Phew.
    Now, if I was to offer you any advice it would be just that. We are all different and I can't comment for anyone else but for me, this really worked. GO WITH YOUR GUTS GUYS!!
You're welcome! Just keepin' it real :)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

#1 keepin' it real!

      I have a few mantras for my life. Some I refer to more than others and will not bore you with most of them in my first post...But if you know me... perhaps you could guess that "airs and graces" and "pretences" are not my thing. I prefer to "Keep it real". 
      Since becoming a parent 9 months ago I have applied my "keep it real" mantra to child rearing. I agree that there are certain things you need to buy and know about, being a parent... but I have observed that it is very easy to be swept up in all the excitement of having a baby and walk out of some stores poorer than a beggar at Central Station on a rainy day. So i have decided that this Blog will try to "keep it real" for Mums and Dads out there. Don't get sucked in!!! Easier said than done... I know :)